Why have all rb shiny huges doubled?

I understand supply and demand, I know more people want them now and the limited supply is causing them to go up, but not a single rbs huge can be found for under 900m in plaza, even the 500-750m ones, and there are 20+ rbs huges in that range.

Why do people want them all of a sudden? Are people just catching on that, at least damage wise, they're virtually the same as normal titanics?

Is it because of this raid based event?

Or the ever-increasing belief I have that this one person is just creating a rbs monopoly and mark-upping all of them to percisely 955m across dozens of accounts?

(I've seen the same account/variation of said account name on over 50 accounts now across different servers all selling the same rbs huges for the same price)

I understand supply and demand, I know more people want them now and the limited supply is causing them to go up, but not a single rbs huge can be found for under 900m in plaza, even the 500-750m ones, and there are 20+ rbs huges in that range.

Why do people want them all of a sudden? Are people just catching on that, at least damage wise, they're virtually the same as normal titanics?

Is it because of this raid based event?

Or the ever-increasing belief I have that this one person is just creating a rbs monopoly and mark-upping all of them to percisely 955m across dozens of accounts?

(I've seen the same account/variation of said account name on over 50 accounts now across different servers all selling the same rbs huges for the same price)