(POE 2) Need Help on getting Ritual Precursor Tablets to Drop
I am currently playing ice strike invoker monk on standard SSF and working on getting all my league atlas points to 8/8. I already have breach, expedition and the boss atlas tree on max points and currently working on ritual at the moment. I have killed the king 3x but only have 4/8 points because i forgot to put my 3rd and 4th point before killing him the 3rd time.
Right now my problem is i am running out of Ritual precursor tablets to consistently run Ritual Maps and i hardly get any tablets maybe on average 1 tablet in 20 ritual maps even though i have taken all precursor tablet nodes in the atlas tree. Does anyone have any tips on getting these Ritual tablets to drop more often? In particular what points should i put in my ritual atlas tree and what mods should i prioritize on my maps to increase the drop rates of these tablets?