Stay Witchhunter or reroll Deadeye?
I am currently playing a Glavanic Shards Witchunter build (level 57 atm), but I am starting to wonder if the build wouldn't just feel better if I rerolled into a Deadeye. Culling and Decimating Strike feel less and less impactful the higher I get, so it feels like Witchhunter gets "outscaled" if that makes sense. Soprcery Ward seems about the only thing thats in favor of Withhunter, but I cant really tell, since this is my first time playing Path of Exile and I am only playing for a week or so, so I dont really know which stats are good and which are not.
Should I stay withhunter or start a new character and make the same build on a Ranger (or maybe even a Gemling)?