Trial of Sekhemas - Enough is enough
Dear GGG,
I decided to give the 4th ascendancy another chance. I have a full relic inventory with honour resistance.
Whenever I get to 4th trial (Time), a few hits and my honour is gone. Now I am no 0 hit run DS player, but I don't think to get our 4th ascendancy we need to be GinoMachino yes?
This is starting to become really exhausting and is surely not balanced.
Worst case of all, I had honour, 60 left? I exit a room, go buy honour at the merchant, and it kills me?
I am gatekept out of my 4th ascendancy due to a system that is exhaustingly punishing.
And this is not just a small investment, this is 2 hours of your life down the drain, again and again.
Why do we even have to go through ALL the trials when we have ascended? Let us get to higher trials with higher keys.
I'm doing T15+ content and I'm stuck on this bullshit again and again.,