New player that loves PoE2

So... i am an old school Diablo fan, absolutely loved D1 and D2, the story, the atmosphere, the way the story was told the skill progression, absolutely loved everything about both games. Got very disappointed by D3, dabbled a bit with PoE1, liked it much better than D3 but never loved it. Didn't even gave D4 a chance and will never give any other Diablo another chance until Blizzard gets sold to better management

PoE2 however just really hit the sweetspot for me! so far I'm halfway down to act 2 and so far I LOVE the variety I classes and builds, I love the difficulty level and only had a small problem with getting trapped in small corridors but that seems to have been fixed with the latest update. Secondly I wish sorceress would have a more dps focused build but she seems to be pretty much aoe the character. Other than that this game blew me away and I'm hooked. When I'm at work I'm thinking about the game, when I'm in bed I'm thinking about different possibilities, it's ao fun to me

Then I look online and see so many negative comments..... I don't understand it, but I wanted to share that at least I, the old school Diablo fan who got jaded loves PoE2 as what seems like a loveletter to D2