Traveling to Jamaica, passport validity? Day of travel or 6 months(US citizen/US passport)?

I apologize in advance for having to ask. I’ve checked Dept of State website and it says “Must be valid at the time of entry and exit.” (I’m assuming that means to Jamaica, wrong?) Called the resort I’m going to in Jamaica and the guy said 6 months. I’ve tried calling the airline and a few other govt. agencies and sat on hold or get disconnected.


Edit 1 - Dates of travel 18 May - 21 May, PP expires 1 July.

Edit 2 - Spoke with someone with Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency (PICA) in Jamaica. She said 6 months, I replied, so I can’t travel then? She asked what country is my passport (again) I replied US. And she said call the airline, I replied I did and they said I can fly. She replied ok then you can come. 🤦‍♂️ Is this a joke….?

Edit 3 - yea apparently this is a long lasting joke. Hours later I try another google search and come across posts from 8 years ago on TripAdvisor. And it’s like a 50/50 split of people posts links saying 6 months while others say otherwise. One person saying they were not allowed to fly from Miami to Jamaica because their passport expired in 3 months. While others saying they did fly from the US to Jamaica with an expiration less than 6 months.