How do you get over being apart from your little kid 8hrs suddenly?

So my kiddo is only 17 months old and yesterday I was washing him off and laughing as his chubby little butt ran around the shower when I stopped and thought about the day he goes into Pre-K/kindergarten and I can’t imagine it??

I’m a SAHM and plan to be so until he’s old enough for school then I’m going back to school and then work full time. And I just am having a hard time imagining taking him from being at home with me all day (he’s got intense separation. Anxiety form me specifically , clearly I do too lol) to suddenly he’s alone in a strange place with strange people without me for 5-8 hours every day of the week. I get anxiety leaving him with even his dad (who is great) for a few hours. Does it get easier when they’re around kindergarten age?