Manipulative baby?
My son (9months) has been a bit of a terror that last few days. When I try to put him to sleep in my arms all he does is scratch my face, bite me, hit me, and overall fuss. Up until recently I could send him to bed with just a bottle, he'd drink it and go to sleep. Now he doesn't want me to rock or hold/caress him to sleep but when I lay him in his bed he just screams bloody murder and if I pick him up he stops immediately and giggles. I regret to say I gave him some motrin, as he got vaccinations 2 days ago and the only reason I can come up with is that his injection sites still hurt. (I try not to rely on medication, but I'm not against giving it when appropriate) I'm not looking for any antivax BS because I firmly believe in them, but he is incredibly pissy, inconsolable, and agitated. I'm against cry it out but it seems like I don't have any other options. I realize some of it is him trying to stay awake because it's more fun. But I don't really know what to do. When he's crying such real tears and i pick him up and he smiles I can't help but feel like they're just manipulative tears. He has the works in his room- noise machine, space heater (his room is the coldest in the house for some reason [its never hot in there and the heater automatically shuts off when its too warm]) and a comfy crib. If I go down there and sit and pat him he won't sleep, if I leave he cries, if I pick him up he smiles and will force himself awake. Please send tips and tricks or relieve my mom guilt. I really think he figured out if he cries I'll come get him and we will play.
TLDR: unsure what to do about fussy baby when he slept fine before. Please send helpful tips
**For those of you coming for me about the title after someone mentioned it in the comments, I did some research and according to webMD- "babies learn to cry to get you to do something around 9 months."
Definition of Manipulate- control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously.
So focus on the issue and not the wording, thanks.