Parents who lay with their kids until they fall asleep…
What did you do when you had a second child? I’ve been laying with my toddler to sleep for the last 6 months (she sleeps in a floor bed in our room) but we’re having our second end of June. I’m starting to wonder how the heck I’m going to lay with my toddler for naps and bedtime when I have another baby. Sometimes she falls asleep quickly but other times it’s 30+ minutes. I picture having the baby nurse and lay with me but that’s assuming I have a very chill non colicky newborn. And what happens when they’re 3,4,5 months and start getting more mobile/active??
For the parents who lay with their toddlers until they fall asleep how did you adjust to the routine with a newborn?
EDIT: We’ve tried “gentle” methods to encourage her to fall asleep alone with no success. I’ve tried to tell her I’ll be right back and check on her quickly, I’ve tried the fading chair method. Everything ends in hysterical crying. We sleep trained her as a baby and she slept fine alone until she hit 2. As much as it would be nice to shut the door and say goodnight I won’t do that to her at this age.