Kid regret

Does anybody else experience regret when thinking of their children?

I'm a hard working 33m dad who loves his kids to the end of the earth. I would do anything for them. Give my life for them if I had to.

But recently between my 8, 6 and 2 year olds, Ive been reeling from regret. Its not financial or stemming from desire to go do other things. Im not sad I have kids, and I can't imagine life without them. I don't know what it is specifically, I just kinda wish I would've thought more about the long term implications.

I made the mistake of telling my wife how I felt because she blew up on me, accusing me of cheating, telling me I don't love them or her. Her justification being that she loves them and could never regret the decision to have them. I spoke with my therapist who said it's completely normal and at some point, most parents feel the same way more or less. I confided that I nmy wife who said that the therapist is full of shit and she's never heard of anyone who could be so cold hearted.

So here I am, seeking validation. Is this something anyone else is ex periencing?

Please don't tell me I don't love my kids. Please don't tell me I'm a bad father. I love my kids endlessly and give everything I have for them.

Edit: Thank you so much for the words of encouragement and kindness and understanding. I had a feeling my therapist wasn't lying...