Toddler has come home with bite marks twice in one week.

My daughter (35 months old) goes to a well known preschool. She attends Monday-Wednesday. On Wednesday of last week, she came home with a bite mark on her chest. It wasn’t awful, but it did bruise. I was a bit flustered, but understanding, that kids around this age can go through a hitting/pushing/biting phase. I took pictures and brushed it off as we headed into our long weekend. Well today, her next day back to school, she came home with another bite mark. This one was extremely purple already and looked terrible. Both times when I asked her what happened, she said “XXX bit me.”

Neither time did we receive an incident report nor mention from her teachers that something occurred. I think that’s what has me most upset. We’ve gotten incident reports in the past for things that were very minor, like falling on the playground and scraping her knee. I plan to bring it up to both teachers tomorrow and the director. Both teachers are new to her classroom this past month, and while they’re nice, I don’t have a relationship with them like her previous teachers.

Has anyone ever been in this situation?