27 and just started getting PMS

So I guess I never realized what all women were really dealing with around their periods… but in the last 5 months I’ve literally felt so depressed and manic and unwell the day or two before my period. Like more sad that I’ve ever been.

I have a partner of four years and he’s never had to deal with it, but each time I end up really going off on him and saying really awful things I would NEVER say while sane.

What are some tips on dealing with big bouts of emotional PMS with your partner? Should I just lock myself away for the day or two before? Because I can’t even stand to be around him and then i’ll totally spin the other way and demand for him to be there for me and it’s all just so much for him and I feel awful. I have no experience with any mental illness or depression so it feels really foreign to me and I need to figure it out…