I don’t think persona 4 needs to be remade
I recently completed my second play through of golden and I think the game holds up amazing. I don’t really get all this buzz about needing a remake besides better graphics and some newer persona mechanics like baton passing.
I understand why p3 got a remake it’s an older game. Its definitive version is not on modern hardware and it doesn’t hold up the best gameplay wise at least FES. along with the fact that p3p is a bit scaled back in some ways due to the limitations of the psp.
I think it would make more sense if persona 1 or 2 got a remake first given there older games not available on modern hardware. They have a great story to tell and it’s unfortunate they have kinda just been on the back burner since the psp rereleases.
Of course a persona 4 remake would probably sell better since it’s better known and has all the trappings of modern persona. persona 1 and 2 play a bit different I still think that persona 4 remake doesn’t make much sense at least right now. At least from a needing a remake standpoint.
Edit: it is painfully ironic the day I post this the p4 remake basically gets confirmed