Feel free to roast me
I have been playing overwatch since 2016, PC till 2021 and then console. currently still play console. Season 5 hit diamond 2 and now I’m just stuck plat 3.
Game Code: QT5CGJ Playing Moria, I’m ploots.
I know I need to work on the following things: use my heal spray on and off rather than holding it down. throw an orb before ulting and my positioning is absolutely terrible. I feel like every game I’m getting rolled and then I roll the next game and I’m not actually going anywhere. I don’t really know how to implement these changes either. I think at the beginning of the game that I’m gonna work on these things and then eventually I lose focus on those things and get distracted by other elements of the game.
I shouldn’t be this bad for the amount of hours I have lol. Please enlighten me