How far would your OCs get in the Void?
The Void is a scrapped idea for the original draft of my Universe that I decided to remake cus' its a pretty cool concept in my opinion
The Void is a world below everything, so far from the universe that even time can't reach it. The Void goes to infinity in every direction and the lower you go the crazier physics start to become. Its devided into couple layers:
The nothingness
It is, as the name sugests, nothing. A light years spaning void of eternal darkness. It acts baisically the same as outer space except, that there's literally no light. Light can't exist in the Void so if you don't have any abilities that help you detect your surroundings, don't even bother going deeper
The thingsbelow
That's pretty much the safest level of the Void. If the timeline were to disappear somehow (which is impossible but 'what if') then it would be the go to place for all the races to reside in... If not for some pretty major problems. This later is filled to the brim with 'stars' but the only thing that they share with normal stars are their name. They are extremely small with next to no gravitational pull and instead of generating heat, they generate cold. The average temperature in the Void is absolute zero, so I'd reccomend you to pack some warn clothes on your journey. Also, there you will find voidlings, hostile animal like creatures. They're Immortal so the best idea for you is to immobilise them and just skedadle out of there.
As you're falling deeper and deeper you will come across an ocean, endless waves of black water like substance with some random islands scattered there and there. The ocean has a weird property of affecting someone's mind. If even a dropplet of this 'water' touches you and you don't have enough willpower you will go crazy in the next couple of hours.
Despite all the warnings that I presented to you, you decide to descend into the ocean. There won't be any rock formations for you to get stopped by but the voidlings are bigger and even more blood lusted (so don't carry any fish food with you) luckily they will stop appearing at some deep but the mental and physics fuckery will be way more noticable
The end of the Void
You have a PhD in physics? Well throw that out the window, or don't it will probably spaghettify anyway. The laws of physics are unrecognisable there. You might just turn into a thin line of neutrons vibrating as micro waves. This is the lowest level of the Void... Or is it?
The previous layers name is misleading, the Void is Infinite so it doesn't have a lowest point. It was made to warn anybody trying to cross the point of no return... Lower, physics straight up cease to exist, as well as you. No type of immortality could save your molecules dissapear out of history. I would be more than happy to provide more info about this layer but its literally impossi