interpretation of Rafal i'm the ending of orb

I don't think that the adult Rafal is the same as the child. Imo it's a narrative trick, Albert's teacher was another man but the narrator deceptively shows him to us as Rafal so that the message is stronger. A child who did not hesitate to die for an ideal would also kill for it. In the end Rafal was more of a concept than a character. Nowak remembered him and agonized over killing him throughout the series. As badeni said: "Only a child would dare to move the world." Not in vain when remembering the protagonists on the final scene, Rafal is the only one who appears on a cross, because he IS THE IDEAL. The series wasn't Only about the inquisition and how beautiful heliocentrism was, it was about the child vs. the old man, about curiosity and imagination vs. censorship, about Rafal vs. Nowak.