Trying to Make ST12 A Warlord Deck (Any Budget Options?)

With some more help, I've changed the ST12 into a different and more viable deck, at least as far as I can see. It has changed into a Seven Warlords of the Sea-focused deck, with a focus on getting good cards into the hand as quickly as possible to play them. Now, I will say that the original decklist I was looking at included some cards that aren't on my list. The reason for this is that I wanted to see if I could make the deck my own. Also, the original deck included Moria, and I refuse to play a card that has one of my least favorite characters on it. Petty, I know, but I was sure there were better cards.

Anyway, I hope the deck overall looks better than just the standard ST, but I also have a question regarding it all. Would it be possible to make this deck more budget-friendly? Now, I have seen that the majority of OP cards are relatively cheap, especially when compared to Yugioh, but I still would like to try and save as much money as possible while playing this game. I want this to be my sort of casual game that I don't spend an ungodly amount on. So, if there's any way to cut down the overall cost of the deck (I already tried to do so by cutting down the OP01 Doflamingo to 3 copies and the OP04 Doflamingo to 1 copy, since spending about $20-$25 on 4 copies of a card is a little more than I can handle at the moment) please let me know! I know I already have 4 copies of the OP01 Hancock which is about the same price as Doflamingo, which is why I need some help figuring out budget options.

With all of this said, I hope the deck looks better now, and If I can make it more budget-friendly, that's even better! If you have any suggestions for anything, please let me know!

With some more help, I've changed the ST12 into a different and more viable deck, at least as far as I can see. It has changed into a Seven Warlords of the Sea-focused deck, with a focus on getting good cards into the hand as quickly as possible to play them. Now, I will say that the original decklist I was looking at included some cards that aren't on my list. The reason for this is that I wanted to see if I could make the deck my own. Also, the original deck included Moria, and I refuse to play a card that has one of my least favorite characters on it. Petty, I know, but I was sure there were better cards.

Anyway, I hope the deck overall looks better than just the standard ST, but I also have a question regarding it all. Would it be possible to make this deck more budget-friendly? Now, I have seen that the majority of OP cards are relatively cheap, especially when compared to Yugioh, but I still would like to try and save as much money as possible while playing this game. I want this to be my sort of casual game that I don't spend an ungodly amount on. So, if there's any way to cut down the overall cost of the deck (I already tried to do so by cutting down the OP01 Doflamingo to 3 copies and the OP04 Doflamingo to 1 copy, since spending about $20-$25 on 4 copies of a card is a little more than I can handle at the moment) please let me know! I know I already have 4 copies of the OP01 Hancock which is about the same price as Doflamingo, which is why I need some help figuring out budget options.

With all of this said, I hope the deck looks better now, and If I can make it more budget-friendly, that's even better! If you have any suggestions for anything, please let me know!