Any 20-something’s dealing with really terrible social anxiety right now?

23M, and I don’t know where it went wrong but my social skills have absolutely tanked. I feel incredibly frustrated since I want to meet new people, make friends, but I feel like such an outcast whenever I walk into a room. I went to an anime convention yesterday: probably the most relatable place I could possibly be, and I just felt miserable. I was too nervous to interact with anyone, asking for photos felt like pulling teeth. I just ended up leaving after a few hours. Seeing everyone being so happy, feeling so natural interacting. It hurt just being there.

Anyways uhm sorry if this violates the rules I’m just not sure what other sub to put this in, maybe kind of a vent idk. Feel free to leave this with 0 comments and exactly -1 downvote as these posts typically get. Never said I wasn’t at least a touch self aware, haha.