I am sick of the bullshit
And you should be too.
I just ran for U.S. Congress on illegally gerrymandered maps.
Ohio has to redraw its congressional districts this year because the current maps were ruled unconstitutional—but they still used them for the last election.
Here’s how the game works: the assholes draw whatever maps they want, drag out the process, and when time runs short, the courts step in and say, “Yes, this is unconstitutional, but it’s too late to change before the election.”
They did it last time, and they’re doing it again. The difference now is that a bunch of clowns in robes that think boneless wings have bones in them get to decide what maps are legal.
This state stands on the edge of a cliff and we're sliding in. It's not too late for change but too many people need to get their head out of their asses and see what's going on.
If we wait for someone else to do the work, it'll never get done.
Call, protest, get angry and stay that way.
I’m running again. I’m deciding which office, but I’m not waiting. And neither should you. Local elections matter more than federal ones. We build the future on the actions we take today. Get up and do something.
Edit: Name: Jerrad Christian