Love doesn't feels same with ex
My ex came back after 4.5 months of ignorance. Firstly at time of breakup it felt my world is shattered. Thinking of her, heart used to pound, breathless 24*7, stressed, fear of losing etc what a normal breakup feels.
I noticed her talking to another guy and everything she was doing to move on. She was feeling good talking to him and I knew that guy wasn't her future. She used to ignore me etc and all I wanted was once to sit and talk and even if she doesn't wants that maybe talk nicely with me once.
Later I analysed she is hurting me on purpose and I lost interest in chasing and I had an accident and we were talking and i said her I am done with her I don't want her anymore and didn't text her anything. One week later even on her bday i preffered not texting her. After that long weekend she had panic anxiety and came back wanting me to reconsider if I am wanting to marry her or not if yes then let's find a solution for our core issues. She agreed she hurt me a lot and maybe i won't even take her back.
But the love doesn't feels the same anymore with her. She is being all desperate all needy all wanting me but something is missing. I understood once a relationship breaks it's never the same. I don't know what to do. She herself is still confused of future wanting me back and don't know how things will be. I feel she will hurt me again.