My girlfriend is obsessed with me

This is my first relationship we came in relationship in 2024 April. We first met each other in 11th class when we came in the same section I liked her from the start and after one year of talking,I proposed her and we came in relationship. In the start it was all good we would go on dates and all. But after September onwards she started becoming very possesive towards me, I am an introvert and I don't even talk to a lot of people but still whenever I will have interaction with an opposite gender she would get angry. If she was suspicious of any girl she would ask me to block her from everywhere. She asked me to not talk to even my friends only to her as she thinks we both are enough for each other I would argue with her about this but at the end it was to no avail.She also took my Instagram password just incase If she finds anything suspicious. I literally have no space when we are talking on phone and my parents come and i cut the call she gets angry. I literally cannot do anything.I cannot even study in peace as she keeps calling me in an hour and ask what I am doing and that shit. I am just so tired of her and i thought of breaking up with her and when I brought the topic she started crying and asked what wrong is she doing and said she only wants me to herself. Now I just can't bring myself to break up with her. I don't know what should I do she really loves me a lot and cannot live without me but due to this my social life has become zero and my grades have fallen too