Obsidian Flight School - worth it or not?

I've gone through Nick Milo's six-video series introducing Obsidian, and now I'm teetering on the edge of purchasing the Obsidian Flight School. Just wondering what kind of learning it offers above and beyond what's in those six videos.

For a few years now, I've tried repeatedly to learn Obsidian by going through the blizzards of videos on Youtube. So far, no luck at all. Have given up repeatedly, yet here I am again, coming back and giving Obsidian another chance.

I'd love to hear from anyone who has actually bought the course and gone through it, for better or for worse, as well as what it offers, if not in substance, then at least in terms of clarity and lasting understanding. If there are other/better resources, preferably courses, please do advise.

My intended use of Obsidian is as a second brain, Zettelkasten, etc. I do research across a variety of fields, then use that research to write articles, case studies, research papers, and so on. Absolutely am sold on the need for a second brain, and with Obsidian being the top contender for that role, the only thing left is a lucid way to actually learn how to use it.

Any help/advice in this direction will be extremely appreciated.