OSSRVV 3 - Vote for two people to eliminate! (READ THE BODY)

the votes were quite unexpected, here they are:

TAT: paper: 1, love letter: 2, rainbow crystal: 2, pizza: 3, gifty: 4, lotus: 5

WWDBG: plasma ball: 1, goober: 2, nacho: 2, flowerpot: 12

so now the teams ufe are team borgir (Star Firey, Butter Box, Toothy, Aluminium, Radio, Vape, Computer, Lanterny) and team awesomer (Ushanka, Blooddrop, Cheesecake, Clock, Glitter Bomb, Tribal Hunter, Gray, Camera)

vote for one person from each team to be eliminated. happy voting!

and start reading the forsaken bodies on this ngghhghhhhggghghgh

the votes were quite unexpected, here they are:

TAT: paper: 1, love letter: 2, rainbow crystal: 2, pizza: 3, gifty: 4, lotus: 5

WWDBG: plasma ball: 1, goober: 2, nacho: 2, flowerpot: 12

so now the teams ufe are team borgir (Star Firey, Butter Box, Toothy, Aluminium, Radio, Vape, Computer, Lanterny) and team awesomer (Ushanka, Blooddrop, Cheesecake, Clock, Glitter Bomb, Tribal Hunter, Gray, Camera)

vote for one person from each team to be eliminated. happy voting!

and start reading the forsaken bodies on this ngghhghhhhggghghgh