Been free from suffering from OCD for one year.. now it's back to haunt me.
I've suffered with OCD intrusive thoughts for 6yrs. There was one OCD thought I had, I suffered with it for 2 years !!! Everyday the thought was there at least once a day and some days were worse then others but it was for 2 years. It was about a family member in the house, they moved out so the trigger was gone. That ocd thought left and I truly felt peace for a year, other ocd thoughts came in about other things but the triggers weren't in the house for me to see 24/7 so I did suffer with one for long periods at a time, it would just be like a week or so then I'd let it go. Anyway the family member has moved back in and I truly thought I had moved on from the ocd thoughts and the first few months of this year, I didn't have any thoughts and it was great! I could actually interact with that person normally! With no anxiety etc, just normal how it should be. Then I accidentally saw something a week ago and the trigger of that person has started all over again.. my mind has been all over the place and the same feelings and thoughts are coming up, the ones I suffered with for 2 years. I'm so scared I'm going to have to suffer another year of it. I'm scared that I'm going to loose myself in it again like I did and when I did a few years ago, my whole energy was off & every day was a battle.. I'm experiencing it again. 😭😭 now I'm just reminiscing about how last year was the best year without ocd !! I also felt like I moved forward in a lot of areas in my life because I wasn't distracted by ocd. Anyways just venting.. really sucks I'm hoping this is temporary I really do.