OSCEs may be the worst thing I've ever done
I recently did my OSCEs for the TNA course and I don't know if it is just very autism unfriendly, but jeez they were horrible. I never fully understood what they needed me to do, the tasks were never explained well and I feel like the uni lied about what to expect. They kept repeating this same mantra, "They aren't trying to catch you out" but then fill the page and task with a bunch of unnecessary information, or not give information that you have to find for yourself. I genuinely don't mind this, if they hadn't kept saying they weren't trying to catch us. Worse then that was saying how it would "simulate working on the ward", except we can't ask questions, get advice or even ask for a little clarification. I completely forgot what C stood for in the A-E assessment and when I asked the assessor, baring in mind I stayed in character and phrased the question as if I was asking a nurse and she just shook her head and said she couldn't help. I was lead to believe the whole point of the OSCE was to ensure we work safely and within our scope of proficiency, not necessarily what we knew. I don't know how I'm ever going to pass my resit. Any advice on how to be best prepared or what I can do to be better?