Why are men often considered attractive enough without any makeup, while it seems like for a woman to be considered attractive enough, she’s usually expected to spend a ton of time putting on a face of makeup?
I was talking to my mom and asked her this and she got annoyed with me and said me asking about it was “stupid shit” because it will never change.
It seems like for men to be considered attractive enough, they just have to exist and have features that are considered attractive. No makeup, no eyebrow care, nothing extra.
For women to be considered attractive or feminine enough, it never seems like a woman just having nice features is enough. We’re expected to have nice features, go through pain to thin our eyebrows out, and to spend a hour or more every time we go out spending time and energy to put a full face of makeup on (foundation, blush, eye shadow, mascara, lipgloss, lipstick, etc). It’s like men’s good looks are enough with no effort, whereas even when a woman is attractive, “makeup brings out her best features” and “women look better in makeup”, according to my mom. My question is: Why does nobody require men to wear makeup or do anything additional to enhance their looks, and why are women expected to have to spend time putting makeup on to look “good enough”, whereas men who are attractive aren’t expected to do anything for their looks?
Maybe I’m biased because I don’t particularly like a lot of things about being a woman, but I don’t understand why for women to look good we’re expected to do so many things whereas for men there are no makeup related expectations.