Mom passed away last night Unexpectedly. Mind spinning and I have this question.

  • I'm dyslexic and have extremely poor grammar skills (my brain just refuses to even try to understand). I use a very annoying spell-check app (Grammarly) but nothing is perfect so I apologize for my grammar/spelling mistakes.

πŸš¨πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸš¨ UPDATE…. first, I want to thank everyone for being so kind and supportive I am blown away by the level of kindness you all have given me! I have a ton of messages that I will reply to as I think even made a few friends… ok the number one huge question is

Why didn't we get an AUTOPSY? ...... Please understand that this is what we decided to do for my momma and while you may not agree that's ok. Until you're in a room with your mother (who's your whole world) lying on the floor with a sheet over her for hrs waiting for the funeral to come and get her body. She's laying there blue and everything feels like a dream until you're in that spot that same spot you don't get to judge me or my family for our decisions. A couple of handful of you were so rude and mean in the private messages I am receiving because we decided not to do an autopsy. For the last six years, my mom has dealt with the side effects of having a massive stroke. She is nonverbal extremely self-sufficient and numb on the right side of her body. She had seizures a couple of times a month and she was on a lot of medications. She had brain surgery which resulted in the stroke. She had a shunt to put in and she was 73 years old... her body has been through enough! I was the only one who had questions not emergency or concerning questions just questions cause as yes, a lot of you nailed it. I am blaming myself and I know I shouldn't. I am going to get therapy, but I kind of panicked and wanted to know if it was something I did not do was my iPad too loud should I have left my door open? I always leave my door open, but I didn't that night. So very unhealthy thoughts. I know there are no answers unless we do the autopsy I was asking what people thought. Do they have any information for me a lot of you did! Actually, like 90% of you did.. I understand I'm not delusional. I totally understand that was her body. She is no longer in there. She can't feel anything. It is just an object at this point however that's my momma! You are not thinking about her soul not being in her body anymore. You're thinking that's your mother and just wanting her to finally rest in peace. We know it's most likely from her medical issues. I wanted to know what part of the body caused her death was it a heart attack was it a blood clot? I'm reading online that certain things like a heart attack will cause Your face to be purplish-blue. She wasn't murdered. It was unexpected. I thought we had a good 15 years with her yet, but it was also always in the back of our minds that we could wake up and find she had passed. No one in my family knows I have these questions out of respect for their feelings I keep them to myself. I just wanted to understand what was going on. HOWEVER ...... I made a huge assumption/mistake She was not cremated the night she died. I assumed that's how it worked unless it's a crime scene or they're gonna do an autopsy. She passed away at 5 AM so I thought for the rest of that day at some point they would cremate her. She actually was cremated today. That is my fault and I apologize. We are not mass murderers. We are not trying to cover up my mom's death. The cops came and interviewed us all in separate rooms and everyone agreed this was not a murderer. I can promise you my family and I are not serial killers(yes, I realized that's something a serial killer would say lol ). I have gotten so many WILD messages saying the weirdest most awful stuff! The most disturbing ones are people telling me that me and my dad deserved it. I'm not even gonna reply to that I'm gonna focus on the positive! Thank you, thank you, thank you seriously it's made me feel less alone.. I know I'm weird lol. I have read most of the comments. I am still reading them. They are so helpful and the support. I've never felt anything like it. I thought this would get a total of five comments. Boy was I mistaken and I love it. I'm reading every comment I'm finding it so fascinating learning about all of this and in a weird way it's helping me cope. So thank you and I promise I will reply to as many people as I can, but I felt I needed to update. πŸ’œπŸ©΅πŸ₯Ή

If her face was blue after she died. Their body still warm and rest of her body was normal not pale. We don't know the time of her death as we heard a bang and she fell off couch face down we believe. Dad and I were sleeping this was at 5am. I'm a complete mess and this keeps going over and over in my head. We are not doing an autopsy. Dad thinks she may have had a seizure and choked. She had a lot of seizures from a stroke however, I don't think it's a seizure. I'm 99 % sure it was not a seizure. i've never seen a dead body before or had anyone close to me die. So this is new for me and I know it's a longshot as it could be 1 million different things. But is there anyone that may be able to help me understand what happened? I know why it turned blue like medically. I just wanna know if it was a heart attack, a stroke, a seizure a blood clot.. I just find it weird that It was only her face was blue very blue. Rest of her body wasn't pale and it was still warm.