Games for someone who likes Mario games?

I love gaming but I cant stand wasting money on games I end up not playing. I have looked into games recommended on other threads but sometimes I find it difficult to tell if I will like a certain game or not. So I thought I would ask if anyone could recommend some games! I also have a ps4, I haven’t ever used it (my kids do) but I could try it out. If they even still sell ps4 games that is.

I absolutely loved BOTW and TOTK as well as most of the Mario games, especially odyssey, wonder, and 3D world. I still play some of the old school Super Nintendo Mario and donkey Kong games too

I thought I would love Luigi’s mansion but thought it was boring and just couldn’t keep playing. Same thing happened with Mario vs rabbids, Kirby and the forgotten land, and yoshis crafted world.

**edit- my kid got sick last night so I totally forgot I posted this; I checked it this morning and holy crap!! Thanks everyone for all the suggestions!!!