Asias next top model cycle 1 Harper bazar cover try

And where at the end !!!!!! Kinda a let down to such an amazing cycle since none of these covers are that strong in my opinion but let’s get started !!!!

1st Jessica originally 1st / winner - Jessica’s final photo is the best of the packed, but it’s definitely not her best I think her face is a little off and her posing is a little too much. With those hands but at the end of the day, she definitely did deliver the best cover you can tell it’s her. She looks pretty good and she’s really owning the space overall I was extremely happy with Jessica‘s win. While, I did have my other favorites. She really kind of kicked everyone else’s ass in this competition. Her only real let down of mine was that underwater photo but even then the judges gave her first call out for that. It’s crazy how good Jessica did the competition. Her lowest callout was eight and that was a week where I gave her first. 😅😅 overall a very strong first winner !!!!

2nd Stefanie originally 3rd /placed 3rd - I like Stephanie’s photo because what at least we do see of her is pretty decent but looking at her styling on the day and that some of these alternate photos even though they are blurry my bad I have no idea why she was giving a white outfit for a white background and that weird collar thing I’m not a fan of either at the end of the day she didn’t really bring it in semi full body so they switched to a more close-up photo and I don’t think it really works for this kind of photo shoot I do wish they just let her fail and gave her a photo like everyone else

As I’ve mentioned before, I find Stephanie’s placements rather frustrating. While , I think she did good in the competition and definitely earned a third or fourth spot but the judges, constant bottom twoing her , I think kind of knock any wind in the sales for her possibly winning plus she never gotten a first call out and she had really good weeks too for me her red dress, her zodiac and her quirky girl photoshoot where all strong points while I like Stephanie and I really liked her look I just found her placements in this competition frustrating because especially towards the end it just felt like she didn’t have a shot at winning

3rd Kate originally 2nd / runner up - this photo is a train wreck and if you look at the next photo, I have, they definitely had a better photo to pick from but judging this photo, I think it’s the wind are making her eyes and mouth look terrible. They look unsymmetrical in the worst ways and her hands and arms. It looks like she was mid scratching her leg and they took a photo. I don’t know why they decided to sabotage Kate like this. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they want to keep some suspense for Stephanie. But this was a really clunker of a photo and the unfortunate way to end her run on this cycle.

Overall, I really liked Kate. I think she in my ranking at least has the most callouts. She was a great model and when she got it, she got it. I would’ve been fine with either her Jessica winning. But I feel bad that she kind of got snubbed of a good magazine cover but once again, a very strong runner-up for Asias next top model.