Does anybody else feel this way?
I hope this isn’t corny at all, because typing this down is definitely making me cringe. But I HAVE TO LET IT OUT. Ok im sorry for all you medics that will read this. But im Only an EMT starting out, ill get salty in a couple years. Dont worry.
I love EMS, I love the sound of dispatch talking over the radio, I love hearing medics over the mic in the ER with incoming patients and their current emergency and everyone looking up being focused and being ready to hear their vitals, complaint and current situation. I love the feel of uniforms, I love my patches, I love my boots, I love handling equipment, I love putting on gloves. I love lights and sirens. I love it all. I can’t get over this feeling, it’s almost like I found something that I was meant to do all my life. It feels like I found my soulmate in a passion I didn’t knew I had all in me. I know theres some bad days, bad patients, bad coworkers, bad supervisors. But I don’t know I feel like my dedication makes up for it.
Sorry I just had to let it out, I’ve been feeling like this for a while, and Im glad I found a career that I love.