Please give me advice on driving alone with a crying baby
I gave birth to my daughter 3 months ago and was happily promoted from passenger princess to backseat babysitter.
I have been very blessed to have my husband on leave with me these past 3 months, therefore I’ve never driven alone with baby. I’ve tried sitting in the front with him but it gives me more anxiety not being able to soothe her when she gets fussy.
My husband is going back to the office so I am going to need to leave the house alone with my daughter eventually, I’m just nervous about not being able to soothe her. She cries maybe 50% of the time while in the car.
Any tips? Do you just deal with the crying?
We have a car camera, sea dreams soother, sound machine, and use a pacifier but I would love to hear about any other tricks you’ve found helpful while driving alone!