Sleep Regression/ Paci Recs for 8 month old
Hi pls read!!
We have an 8 month old rockstar sleeper. She has never gone through any sleep regression even when she was “supposed to.” (4 month sleep regression, I’m looking at you). We got very lucky. She sleeps 10-12 hours a night almost every night UNLESS she’s sick, but she gets back on track after a week tops.
However, we took a trip to the snow and she literally didn’t sleep the first night there. Woke every hour. So we went home a night early thinking she would go right back to her normal 11 hour uninterrupted nights. We were wrong. It’s been 2 weeks of her waking 2-6 times a night. We know better than to offer her milk when she wakes up, but we have been because she didn’t really seem to be eating normally during the day. We suspected that this whole regression was because of teething. But now I think she’s waking wanting milk out of habit… Because she will scream in my arms until she gets a bottle and then only take 3 ounces. The girl is NOT starving clearly. We are also really diligent with making sure she gets enough food during the day for this reason. We always have been. Because we know half feeds = half sleep.
Does anyone have any advice on how to overcome this? She has not taken a pacifier since she was much younger, but I do think I might have to offer her one when she wakes up in the night. Maybe that will be enough to get her to calm down and be rocked back to sleep? I NEED to somehow get her to stop taking milk in the middle of the night. I do think that’s the issue now. 🫠
Also, paci recs?? She would take all sorts of different ones when she was younger - she was always changing which one she would take until eventually it seemed she didn’t want any of them. But all the brands we have are for newborn so I think I need to size up. Should I try MAM? She takes the Philips Avent Anti Colic bottles for reference.
Thank you for your help in advance!!! 🙏🏼