Did your baby’s flat head improve without a helmet?

My 5 month old has had head flattening since 2 months old. We saw a specialist at 4 months who said she has moderate flattening. She recommended a side sleeping wedge to see if it would improve that way, but baby couldn’t sleep comfortably in it so we didn’t use it. Now at 5 months almost to the day, she has started sleeping on her stomach most of the night. She sleeps 11-12 hours at night. Ever since we noticed the flattening we have done everything we can to keep her off her back, but it isn’t always possible with a young baby. We have a follow up appointment with the specialist at 6 months to discuss if we want to do a helmet. Her flattening is purely cosmetic, so the helmet is really up to us. My mom instincts are saying no helmet for various reasons, mainly that I do not want my baby in a helmet for 23 hours a day. I just don’t.

So my question is - if your baby experienced moderate flattening at 5 months old, did it improve on its own without a helmet by the time they were 1 or 2 years old? It’s hard to imagine it improving but I’ve heard many stories of that exact scenario: once baby rolls and starts sleeping on their tummy, it improves on its own with time and rounds out back to normal.