Pregnant again 5 months postpartum
Hi there. On December 31st I found out I was pregnant. I always have said babies are a blessing in disguise. Accidents or not. I thought I’d be thrill but I am absolutely gutted. I wasn’t even going to tell my husband it was positive because with our last pregnancy which was planned he cried because he began to panic. He came upstairs grabbed the test and was going to “scare” me by saying it was positive well I guess jokes on him. Now that the shock has warn off we’re excited but also freaked out. My son’s almost 5 months old. We were being safe and using contraceptives so this was literally a huge surprise to us. i know it’s going to be extremely difficult. Is there anyone who’s had baby’s close together? What advice do you have for us?
Update: I started bleeding Tuesday evening. It was dark and light so I mentioned it to my doctor. I went in for bloodwork Wednesday morning and my hcg was low. I got it redo today and there hasn’t been much of a difference in hcg levels. The doctor thinks I’m losing my baby.
Thank you everyone for the advice/help I’ve gotten.