New Orleans waste infrastructure improving?
So long story short I left a couple bags of mulch pressed up against my house last night in black plastic garbage bags. Well anyways, I put the trash out on the curb last night, but left those bags up against my house. Woke up this morning and my trash guys had taken those bags along with the trash in the cans. I mean…. I’m disappointed they took them but, I remember when it was hard to get the trash guys to take all the trash in the cans! And anyways—my fault for disguising the mulch as trash. With all that said I really appreciate the thoroughness of the trash guys, job well done…also I talked with the s&wb yesterday and apparently they have a third party company handling their billing disputes, investigations, and hearings! Dang! We might be able to get something done here! As poorly as this city’s infrastructure has historically been it is improving… and to whomever is responsible,: thank you!