Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas As The Lone Wanderer?
Alright I'll admit this is more of a build than a challenge, but considering Fallout 3 and New Vegas are some of Nerbit's favorite Fallout games, combining them into one challenge just makes sense.
- Only allowed to use weapons that exist in Fallout 3. These include (in my eyes) the 10mm Pistol, BB Gun, Hunting Rifle, Sniper Rifle, 10mm SMG, Sawed-Off Shotgun, Minigun, Alien Blaster, Laser Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Laser Rifle, Gauss Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Flamer, Heavy Incinerator (no normal Incinerator), Tesla Cannon, Gatling Laser, Fat Man, Missile Launcher, Frag Grenade, Plasma Grenade, Pulse Grenade, Nuka-Grenade, Bottlecap Mine, Frag Mine, Plasma Mine, Pulse Mine, Combat Knife, Katana (samurai sword), Knife, Ripper, Shishkebab, Switchblade, Baseball Bat, Lead Pipe, Nail Board, Pool Cue, Police Baton, Rolling Pin, Sledgehammer, Super Sledge, Tire Iron, Brass Knuckles, Fist Of Rawr (deathclaw gauntlet), Power Fist, and Spiked Knuckles. You're not allowed to use GRA weapon mods, unique variants, or different ammo types, and you must play with iron sights turned off.
- Only allowed to wear an Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit, which you'd have to obviously mod into the game, and no head/eyewear of any kind. Technically Brotherhood models of Power Armor should be allowed given the boxart, but that would make it a lot less of a challenge.
- Only allowed to use consumables that exist in Fallout 3. These include (in my eyes) skill books, Stealth Boys, Ant Queen Pheromones, Ant Nectar, Buffout, Fire Ant Nectar, Jet, Med-X, Mentats, Psycho, Rad-X, Rad-Away, Stimpak, Ultrajet, Beer, Blood Pack, Dirty Water, Ice Cold Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cola, Nuka-Cola Quantum, Purified Water, Scotch, Vodka, Whiskey, Wine, Ant Meat, BlamCo Mac And Cheese, Bloatfly Meat, Brahmin Steak, Bubblegum, Cave Fungus, Cram, Crispy Squirrel Bits, Crunchy Mutfruit, Dandy Boy Apples, Dog Meat, Fancy Lads Snack Cakes, Fresh Apple, Fresh Carrot, Fresh Pear, Fresh Potato, Gum Drops, Human Flesh, Iguana Bits, Iguana-On-A-Stick, Insta Mash, Junk Food, Mole Rat Meat, Mole Rat Wonder Meat, Mutfruit, Noodles, Pork N’ Beans, Potato Crisps, Radroach Meat, Salisbury Steak, Squirrel On A Stick, Squirrel Stew, Strange Meat, Strange Meat Pie, Sugar Bombs, Yao Guai Meat, and YumYum Deviled Eggs. You're also not allowed to heal with the Vault 13 Canteen, regenerative perks/implants, sleeping, drinking from water sources, etc.
- Only allowed to choose perks that exist in Fallout 3, within reason. If a perk is "close enough" to one in Fallout 3 or you literally have no other option, then don't worry about it. You're not allowed to have any Traits as they didn't exist in Fallout 3. There are no restrictions on skills.
- You must do all sidequests related to a Vault and at least discover every Vault in the game. Hard Luck Blues and There Stands The Grass are good examples.
- No companions, and you must play on at least Normal difficulty with Hardcore enabled. No using the Tale of Two Wastelands mod as it would make things too easy.
- Either the NCR or Yes Man ending is fine, but you must ally with the Brotherhood Of Steel since the Lone Wanderer helped them out in the base game and Broken Steel. By that logic, you also have to hunt down and kill all the Enclave remnants.