The way y’all talk about Carly’s body is so damn weird

I didn’t want to post about this because I feared that I would bring attention to it and people who are shaped similarly to her might seek out these comments to see what people are saying and get upset. However, it’s getting soooo weird and I think some of y’all need to know that it’s not okay. I literally saw a comment today of someone in here calling her “overweight”. The average American woman wears an 18-20. Carly wears a 6. Size 6 is typically a small. In what world is that overweight or big? Also, when y’all are like “she’s not big, but for NYC she is”, I automatically can tell that you’ve either never lived in NYC or have never stepped foot outside of downtown Manhattan. In most parts of NYC, slim thick to thick is the beauty standard. I think that y’all need a reminder that even if you don’t like her for legitimate reasons, snarking on her body is also snarking on the bodies of many people who see your comment. There’s actual legitimate reasons to critique Carly, but her body is not one of them.