
Anyone else finding out their results tomorrow in complete shambles?? I'm so stressed and anxious that I failed. This was my third attempt and I don't know if I have it in me to keep studying, especially since I graduated in May.

My first attempt I used NBCOT, AOTA, Therapy Ed, OT Miri, and OT Exam Prepper. Scored a 431 but was felt pretty certain that I had failed so it was no surprise.

My second attempt I used OT Help Desk, True Learn, NBCOT, AOTA, and somewhat OT Miri. Felt pretty confident coming out of the test so it hurt when I scored at 440. Improved but still off.

My third attempt I decided to eliminate almost all the resources l've used previously except True Learn and added 450 Formula into the mix. Felt like I was more prepared this time around but had mixed feelings leaving the test. I keep thinking (and googling) questions that came to mind to see if I chose the right answer. I keep trying to remain hopeful but l'm starting to feel like I did not pass and am just shy a few points from passing again.

Good luck to everyone finding out tomorrow! This has been such a difficult exam to pass and sometimes I want to give up but l've known that OT was my dream career since high school so I can't see myself giving it all up. Anyways, fingers are crossed (tightly)!!!

Update: I PASSED WITH A 464 😭😭😭 I’m literally in tears!!!