Almost 4 Years and Counting Alhadmulillah.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته🤍

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. You read the title right alhamdulillah. I've been free of porn and masturbation for almost 4 years and I'm still going by the grace of Allah. The reason I'm making this post is to give you a bit of my story and offer some help.

I'm 22 years old and a male. I struggled with this addiction for a few years before I was able to quit. For about 2+ years straight, I attempted to quit. I did not miss a single attempt. After every relapse, I would try again. For 2 years, without succeeding a single time. My streaks were not long. It would be often. It was severe. That's enough yapping about myself but I think you get the point, it was pretty bad.

To make a long story short, as I ventured around the internet looking for solutions, I came across different books, articles, courses, discord servers, etc. that all pushed me into the direction I needed to go in to finally escape. The key was in completely transforming my approach. No counting days. No tracker. No journal. No pushups. Nothing. Just pure knowledge sub7an Allah.

I'm here to offer my help. You may have seen me commenting on some posts offering what I know. I will continue to do that. But I thought I'd also introduce myself too.

There's one more thing I'd like to share. Years ago when I was still stuck with this problem, I remember dreaming of creating something someday to help people once I had actually quit. And so I did. I created a community and a course that brings together everything I've learned on my journey in one place, so people like you could make it out. I learned principles and concepts that changed my life alhamdulillah. Not only did I get rid of porn, but I did the same for social media, junk food, etc. All by the will and grace of the Almighty. I'd love to receive your messages and talk to help. If you're even more serious about this, I'd love for you to join the community so I can actually call you and we could discuss and track matters and have check ups. It's free right now btw. It will be for a solid amount of members because I want to prove its value.

Please check this out if you are interested or just visit the link on my profile page. I hope this didn't come off with a scammy course vibe. I genuinely want to help. Allah will hold me accountable for everything I say and do. So rest assured I'm afraid of Him more than I'm afraid of anything else. Take care y'all 🙏

P.S. I tagged it like I did because I am offering the accountability not requesting it but you get the point.