Warning ⛔️ 56% of divorce related to This

🆘 You were WARNED 56% of marriages result in divorce due to PORN 🆘

This post talks about the reality of marriage not being the core solution

Unfortunately I find this happens often where by men and women, usually a large percentage of men go into marriage thinking it will resolve their porn issues and “high sex drive” without any other internal work.

Why? Dealing with an addiction is an intricate and sensitive issue.

Marriage maybe a pillar amongst the other five pillars that help a porn addiction but it is not the foundation.

The scenarios that play out
1. The brother secretly uses for decades and it escalates due to the stress of hiding his problem. 2. ⁠The wife/ husband catches them and makes them swear up and down to not use again or they will leave 3. ⁠🔥 RARE but I’ve encountered this. Both of them become porn addicts together and leave marriage intimacy entirely. 4. ⁠🔥 Some cases of those who have done the work marriage helps them as the final piece get sober. 5. ⁠The spouse leaves immediately.

If approximately more than a million people globally are getting divorced per year and over 50% of those are related to porn we are taking in the region of 500k cases per year.

So what do you do?

  1. Accept you have a problem and you seek help.
  2. ⁠Stop hiding this from your spouse. The addictive personality is built upon lies, secrecy and deception.
  3. ⁠Commit to a program of recovery. It takes the brain 🧠 18-24 months to rewire this isn’t a quick fix.

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