Feeling unheard and unloved

Salam everyone. First time posting but I just need a moment to vent since I feel like this isn’t something you should bring up to family.

But I got married in July to my husband and to be fair he has been everything I ever wanted in terms of how loving and gentle and kind he is. But one thing that constantly burns me and hurts my heart is how often I go unheard.

This has been a topic I’ve had to bring up to him several times but every time we end up in the same spot.

I feel like I cannot talk to him about things that I am excited about because he just doesn’t actively listen to me or ask me questions about the things I like or I’m talking about like I do with him. He only takes interest in things he has to say or when it comes to sex, other than that it’s like talking to a wall and it’s so so extremely exhausting and heartbreaking to not be heard by the one person that’s supposed to be your best friend. I feel like I cannot be myself or say the things I want to say to the point I no longer have anything to say. He will cut over me anytime I’m in the middle of a conversation and interject with his thoughts, he won’t even realize that I have something to say. I am just so tired of begging and crying for him to listen to me and to feel heard.

I will be fair and say that with his work schedule it is demanding physically and mentally (he is a petroleum engineer) and works for 2 weeks straight and only has 1 week off. But that one week off also is my week off to spend it with him and talk to him, but we don’t even get that because it’s mostly him talking. It’s like he only likes to hear himself talking. It truly is so exhausting. It’s not what I expected when I got married. I wanted my best friend. I wanted to be heard and loved and valued for what I have to say, not for what my body does.