Multi cat home now having issues …

Hi, I have 5 cats: M4y, M4y, F1.5/2y not completely sure, M14w, and M14w.

M4y & M4y : have been w me for 3+yrs now.

F1.5y : was a stray that owned us since a small kitten. ** my kid and I had just started volunteering at a cat shelter, they had a mass neutered and spayed event, I was offered a spot for our stray. Turns out she was prego and they went ahead w the procedure anyway. She was a lovable yet very spicy kitten and even more lovable once I took her in, rid her of fleas, etc. but after the procedure she was different. I could tell she still loved me but she was angry or grumpy and definitely depressed she stopped being any sorts of playful and started swatting at me like she did in the beginning when we first met. And I’m talking months after the procedure. My husband thinks I’m crazy, but I thought maybe she was this way bc she knew her babies were gone ?? Anyway, I pulled my cat aside and told her I was sorry and that I didn’t know and if I had known I wouldn’t have let that happen and that I was sad, and she started this chirping thing to me and then curled up on my lap !!??!! So why was that relevant , you ask? Well fast forward and there were these skittish kittens that didn’t get adopted at their weekly adoption event. And I was offered them. There were 3 left, so I only took 1 since I had other cats at home.,.

Now M10w at the time , enters our household. Introductions went as expected but provided hope. And fast forward 1 week and the F cat is letting the now M11w suckle her. I looked it up it said not to allow that as did the ppl at the cat shelter. So I separated the F cat from the others. Also the F cat bonds w my kid. So separating her wasn’t awful or anything. We kept reintroducing and each time back to letting him suckle. Never negative reinforcement, I’d tell her to loaf it up and removing the M11w to whatever toy was near or to food. It was becoming frustrating bc now one of my M4y had become like a big bro and he gently played w the kitten and allowed him to “beat him up” lol and super adorable 😻 well F cat started to fight w the M4y cat anytime she’d she him play w the kitten. To the point of his hair always being in her claws and she’s quick and vicious. He’s a gentle sweet cat and he at first wouldn’t even fight back just would run away. LSS, the other kitten at the shelter was adopted leaving behind one sad kitten, so I took him home to be w his brother. But now, she has them both suckling!!?? And she’s starting to get feisty when I pick them up and away from her! Here we are now at week 14 for the kittens and F cat is becoming more aggressive towards me and WAY more aggressive towards the one M4y cat that interacts most w the kittens or did. she does this chirping thing and calls them away from us?! I’m not sure what to do at this point?? I love all my animals. But the F cat is disrupting everything. And I have no choice but to separate her bc she goes out of her way to find the M4y cat and attack him. Which breaks my heart for her !!!! I really am at a loss with this.