Sick child with a new baby

Please pray for me. I'm home alone as my husband is out of province for work and my parents and in-laws live over an hour away (plus MIL is currently sick with a cold).

Last night my son, age 7 years, woke up at midnight and threw up. He felt hot to touch but didn't read a fever when I checked his temp. Gave him some Tylenol anyways. Today he's felt pretty miserable with headache, threw up again around noon, and is now reading a fever of 38.8 C. He's been sleeping most of the day.

As if that's not bad enough, I also have a baby who will be a month old tomorrow. I'm honestly terrified of her catching it. I'm so worried at how I'm going to manage tonight dealing with a sick, miserable child and a baby.

Please pray for me.