Chemical Pregnancy - I'm pretty sure I'll be miscarrying soon. Do I need to do anything?

It all started last week with an extremely light @ home test. It turned into 4 or 5 stronger, but still faint, tests that then turned extremely light again. I got a blood test: hcG is a 7. I calculated that I was about 5-6 weeks pregnant based off of my LMP and my irregular cycle. I've been on and off experiencing pregnancy symptoms like nausea, light cramping, lightheadedness, some headaches, and unusual fatigue. All the same ones I had with my first pregnancy. I'm guessing that I am having a chemical pregnancy and will most likely miscarry in the coming days, even though I've had no signs of bleeding at all. Is there anything I need to do with it being so early? Do I just wait for the bleeding to start? I don't have an OB nor do I have a primary care doctor. So getting in to see a doctor would be a hassle, and I don't want to unless necessary. I don't know what to do and it feels so confusing :( I would be grateful for any advice. I cant believe this is happening.