Ancient Hunt - why are there no ancients any more?

For a while my sister and I mostly run the ancient hunt for fun.

But since about a week or so we do not get ANY ancient at all.
No matter how high the shown percentage. We get many suggested ancients we could get, sometimes even more than 6 possible ones (also had over 10 suggested ones from time to time).
We clear the whole maps and go in every door there is, but we always only get the standard room, but no boss.

How can this be? Map after map, since several days in a row not a single boss met.

This is somehow frustrating, as we give away a lot of equipment for nothing (ok, that would have been thrown away anyway). We want to get to know all the bosses, especially the ones we do not know, as normally we always get nearly the same ones. But getting absolutely none is really annoying and no fun.

Are the hunts broken? Or are we just unlucky? Hope we find help here about this, thank you.