how to figure out living situation for first command.
I will be moving to my first command in Norfolk for shore duty in June as a single 24 yr old e4 and will be receiving bah and I am not sure about what to do in terms of living situation. I have a 720 credit score, 3k in cc debt at 5% apr 3k in a cd, 4k in private roth ira and 6k in tsp (majority is traditional not roth for this one). I contribute 25% of pay to tsp, and every paycheck(so 2x a month) put an additional $100 into private roth and $200 into a savings account ($1400 currently).
All the financials aside I am not sure what to do for living situation. I have been thinking about 2 main options really. either buy a house, or buy a piece of land and a rv or tiny prefab home. I dont really want to rent because I am at a point in life where I am done with roommates and having them negatively impact my mental health and ability to have relationships. That makes the majority of places to rent at around $1200+.
The only issue I have with the cheaper option of land and an rv is I am single and would like to date and eventually marry but I feel like living in an rv will hurt my chances of dating. Can you even use the va loan to buy both land and an rv or tiny prefab home at once? does anyone have experience in that situation? How does power water internet work? I dont really want to live in an rv park either as I dont like people all that much honestly...
The other option is buying a house, and I am not sure I want to do that. I mainly am apprehensive about a house just because its so hard to find one that isnt too big and hence too expensive for me, or with issues that I think of as deal breakers but are expensive to fix/would hurt resell value in 4 years. Im also not a huge fan of townhouses for the same reason as not wanting to live in an rv park... And if the person in the house by me has cockroaches or rats then I would get them too... I am also not interested too much in renting the place out after I leave because I feel like the hassle is not worth it.
I guess I am looking for any insight on how you chose where/how to live somewhere. I dont even care about ending the time there with 30k in a bank account from selling a house or saving on renting. As long as im not going negative at the end of my time here I would be happy financially.