How to remove Copilot/AI assistance in Word
Hello! I found this common issue where people were unable to remove that pesky Copilot/AI assistance tool. After extensive digging, I found that there were no straight answers on how to remove it, for neither Mac nor Windows.
If you are in the same boat as I was, this post is for you.
NOTE: this is just how to get it off the ribbon. You can check the comments for possibilities of getting rid of it in other aspects, but it will not go away completely. We are still waiting for Microsoft to give us a feature for that smh.
To be brief, I ended up figuring it out myself. Here is how to do it:
1: in the very top bar (the desktop bar, not the ribbon tab bar in Word), go to "Word," then "Preferences."
2: In preferences, go to "Ribbon & Toolbar."
3: From there, on the right hand side, go to the "Home" dropdown, click on the "Assistance" category. (MAKE SURE to click on the ASSISTANCE CATEGORY, NOT Copilot itself, because it will not allow removal of the specific item.)
4: then (below), click "Remove/the minus sign," then OK/Save.
5: It should be gone.
Note: deleting the assistance tab will also delete the "Editor" item. I personally never used either of these items, but if you would like to delete Copilot, but NOT the Editor item, the retrieval steps below should work for that, too.
1: go to "File," then "Options"
2: click "Customize Ribbon"
3: From there, the process should be the same and/or similar to that of the MAC steps.
If, for whatever reason, you need to get the Assistance category/Copilot back, follow these steps:
(the process should be similar in both operating systems)
There are two methods of achieving this.
1: follow steps 1-2 in either the WINDOWS or MAC category. (AKA, find the "Customize Ribbon/Ribbon & Toolbar" window again.)
2: (FOR MAC, but should be similar in Windows:) find the assistance tab in the "Choose commands from" section (on the left) as shown in the picture. Then, either re-add (via the + sign, next to the - sign used to remove items) the WHOLE assistance tab, or either of the desired items.
3: Click "OK" or "Save," and it should be back.
1: follow steps 1-2 in either the WINDOWS or MAC category. (AKA, find the "Customize Ribbon/Ribbon & Toolbar" window again.)
2: To the right of the + and - signs used to remove or add items (On the right hand bar called "Customize the Ribbon"), there are three dots. Click on those (it is a dropdown menu)
3: click "Reset all customizations." Then click "OK" or "Save." This resets everything to default settings, which should get Copilot (and the assistance tab) back.
Hope this all makes sense! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to comment and I will answer to the best of my ability. If you found this helpful, I encourage you to share around and/or upvote it! ^^ Thanks for reading.