Antibiotics have messed me up. What can help?

I gave birth four months ago. I tested GBS positive so they gave me iv penicillin during birth. After giving birth I contracted a UTI and went to ER. They initially they put me on amoxicillin for 4 days before they told me the culture came back and I was resistant to it. They switched me over to keflex for 7 days. I took it and noticed the sx didn't go away after the course ended. Went to a walk in clinic and the doctor there gave me fosphomycin to drink one time. Still didn't go away. Went back to ER and they put me on keflex again for a week.

Cut to last month - I took keflex 500mg 4 times a day for 10 days for another infection (def needed abx). Day 6 into the course I noticed brain fog and extreme fatigue. It's been three weeks since I completed the course and I feel brain fog almost everyday - some days more than others. I am also a mom to a toddler and an infant so this is really concerning me. I can't trust myself to even drive. I feel like I'm delving into depression with this.

Now, I'm also experiencing gut issues. Diarrhea/constipation (sorry for tmi) and even streaks of poop in my underwear. Also having some TMJ issues that popped up after the brain fog began. It's crazy to think that just a month ago, I was fine.

I'm now taking probiotics (50billion cultures). I am 10 days into this and see a slight improvement in the brain fog, but it's still there.

Doctor gave me blood work to do last week and my inflammatory markers are up.

Has anyone experienced this after antibiotics? Did it eventually go away? How long did it take for you to be good again? Just so wracked with anxiety over this.