Has your clinic increased # of take home doses, too?

Hey y’all. I just wanted to share about something my clinic has done (that gives me hope for MAT pts in the US), and ask if anyone else’s clinic has done the same.

About 6 months ago, my clinic in Tucson, AZ (called Community Medical Services - they have clinics in a lot of states!!) changed for the better - all patients are now Phase 4 automatically. Tri-weekly dosing!!!

It’s also easier to earn phases; only 30 days compliance / 1 UA - and they are now way more accepting of the use of stimulants and other drugs; IE you don’t have to be clean to travel upwards.

Also, we are allowed to earn up to 1 month, but that’s always been a thing.

It’s been life changing. Just wanted to share this with y’all and see if anyone else has been lucky too?