Why do people always assume that women can’t be crazy

So I was just watching a content creator I really like and there was a story of a man who killed his girlfriend because allegedly they were making some food and he was cutting onions and she didn’t like the way he was cutting the onions and she attacked him and he killed her as self defense. And the content creator, whose name is J.D Delay, he was saying he doesn’t believe this dude and the cops didn’t ether and he got charged with 1st degree murder. And it got me thinking why the hell when a man talks about a women attacking them and them defending themselves nobody believes them? It’s bullshit, and there were people in the comments say they kinda believe it. The top comment said that one of his ex’s had tried to lit his apartment on fire because he didn’t have bbq sauce. A story of a man going crazy and attacking his partner okay that makes sense but when a women goes crazy and attacks her partner and her partner defends hisself oh no that can’t be true he’s for sure lying let’s look him up. Any way, thank you to whoever read this I know I’m kinda all over the place.